Cockroach Control Services

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Cockroach Control - Pestrification Solutions LLP

Keep Your Place Uninfected with Cockroach Control Services in Kolkata

cockroach control  - Pestrification Solutions LLP

Pestrification Solutions LLP offers a selection of cockroach control services in Kolkata tailored for clients who experience difficulties. We desire to present them with a place where they can live without worrying about contracting illnesses like food poisoning or diarrhoea caused by unwanted pests such as cockroaches. The experts associated with us offer to focus on applying eco-friendly chemicals to treat those nasty insects.

About our primary services

Cockroaches are among the peskiest pests one may have in their house. If there is a heavy infestation, you can find them everywhere, from cabinets to drains, shelves to kitchen appliances, and even inside electrical control boxes. They contaminate leftover food in your kitchen or dining space, which may result in food poisoning and other illnesses. With our cockroach treatment Kolkata services, we can help you there.

Our service is not limited to only one type of cockroach treatment. Below are the solutions we provide to keep cockroaches out of your house :

Spray and Gel Treatment - Pestrification Solutions LLP
Spray and Gel Treatment :

We precisely spread an efficient gel-like solution under door hinges, tables, closed cabinet areas, and drawers. We prefer to employ this procedure only in the kitchen, where we see the most cockroaches. The next step is the spraying procedure, which we utilise to cover different open places, including balconies, bathrooms, window frames, and house corners.

Cleaning Kitchen Drains :

We provide an enzyme-based drain cleaning powder with a unique method. It enables our experts to clean up after your kitchen drains thoroughly. Our product is non-corrosive and made entirely of natural ingredients, hence not at all harmful. Clogged sewers and unclean corners are breeding grounds for cockroaches. To avoid the spread of cockroaches, we ensure that the utilised powder degrades all food particles stuck in the drain.

Cleaning Kitchen Drains - Pestrification Solutions LLP
Cockroach Repellent Bags -Pestrification Solutions LLP
Cockroach Repellent Bags :

it is necessary to keep cockroaches away from the trash can. Therefore, the cockroach exterminators give you high-quality biodegradable garbage bags. Cockroaches like to roam around in filthy areas that smell bad and have rotting materials. As a result, we don't ignore those unimportant parts of your home.

Post-treatment Service :

Roughly 21 days are required for the whole cockroach colony to be affected, and then you can notice a difference. We offer a guaranteed period for our cockroach control services to give our clients extra benefits. Even after providing the service, we continue to communicate with them. Generally speaking, depending on the infestation, we offer bi-monthly, monthly, fortnightly, and weekly services.

Post-treatment Service - Pestrification Solutions LLP

Reasons to choose our cockroach control treatment service.

Every client has different problems, so we listen to them carefully and patiently to give our best shot. However, the years of expertise we've gained have equipped us to meet the demands of each client. The reasons for choosing our services include :

Choose uockroach control treatment - Pestrification Solutions LLP
  • A less complicated process with secure solutions for children, seniors, pets, and plants.

  • During the servicing, we do not request you to replace your kitchen equipment or toiletries.

  • Highly efficient and long-lasting cockroach treatment.

  • We earnestly try not to leave stains or blemishes on the walls and floors.

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